2016 Events Archive

May 2016
Augmented Reality Design for Informal Learning
May 29th, 2016 Event
Eric Hawkinson (Associate Professor of Learning Design and Technology, The University of Fukuchiyama)
Venue: Kyoto University of Foreign Studies (Located near Tozai Line, Uzumasa-Tenjingawa Station)
Doors open 13:30. Event 14:00-16:00
Free for JALT Members, 500 yen for One-Day Members

A look at emerging technologies using augmented reality and its use in learning. Popular tools for the creation of supplementary materials using augmented reality will be introduced and compared, participants will then have a chance to use a couple of these tools first hand using their own mobile devices. The presenter will introduce and compare supplementary materials using augmented reality; starting with the creation of such materials, leaning curves and production costs. As these technologies are introduced examples will be provided created by the presenter to give context and insight to their practical use in language learning.

March 2016
Teaching the Prosodic Constructions of Dialog
March 20th, 2016 Event
Dr. Nigel Ward (Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at El Paso Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Researcher, Kyoto University)
Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto (Located near JR Kyoto Station)
Registration is from 9:40. Event 10:00am-12:15pm
Free for JALT Members, 500 yen for One-Day Members

Appropriate prosody is critical to effective interaction. Subtle choices can efficiently convey turn-taking intentions, information status, confidence and attitude, among other functions. Native speakers effortlessly use prosody to convey such information, but language learners generally lack these skills. Typically they are taught only a few classic intonation contours, with everything else — including important uses of volume, speaking rate, and timing — left for them to somehow assimilate in conversation classes or from study abroad. Most do not.

Recent linguistic research has identified several dozen “prosodic constructions” common in dialog. Crucially, meanings in these models are not tied to single prosodic parameters, features or events; rather they are expressed with patterns of activity over time. For example, a 400-millisecond region of narrow pitch range, bookmarked by preceding and following regions of normal pitch variation, is used to express contrasts and complaints. Most of these constructions are inherently interactive, involving synchronized contributions by both parties, for example, as in backchanneling. Prosodic constructions can, conveniently, be explained by giving students exemplars, but they are still challenging to master, because they involve coupled perception and production, and because they involve tight time constraints.

The workshop will provide participants with the knowledge needed to teach a dozen prosodic constructions of English. Participants will experience diverse teaching methods, including explanations at multiple levels, examples, visualizations, ear-training exercises, rapid-response exercises, games, role-play, and music. Participants will also be briefly presented with theory and methods for characterizing minor and special-purpose prosodic constructions and developing ways to teach them.

January 2016
Contemporary methods in teaching foreign languages/外国語教育における現在の教授法 (Kyoto Chapter – Other Languages than English SIG Joint Event)
January 23rd, 2016 Event
西山教行(京都大学)/Prof. Noriyuki Nishiyama (Kyoto University)
Prof. Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime University)
Prof. Monika Szirmai (Hiroshima International University)
Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto (Located near JR Kyoto Station)
Free for JALT Members, 500 yen for One-Day Members
Map to venue

日本人はなぜフランス語を学ぶか−歴史に見る学習動機と目的 (日本語で) Why do Japanese learn French – Learning motivation and goals from a historical perspective (in Japanese)

この講演では,日本人にとってのフランス語学習の動機と目的を歴史的に検証する。それにあたり,江戸時代末 期の洋学者で,日本においてほぼ初めてフランス語の学習に取り組んだ,フランス語の父である村上英俊をとりあ げ,どのような動機と目的にもとづき,フランス語学習を進めたのかを確認する。次に,戦前の旧制高等学校にお けるフランス語学習の動向を検討し,フランス語が高等教育の道具だった時代を振りかえる。近代日本においてフ ランス語はまず西洋文明を移入する道具であり,大学教育においても重要な役割を果たしていた。最後に,戦後の フランス語教育を国際交流の観点から振り返り,1965 年以降,フランスへの私費留学が認められ,フランスとの 交流が現実のものとなった。それ以降のグローバル時代における日本のフランス語教育を展望する。

An alternative approach to FL teaching – Students begin and continue speaking a first (or second?) foreign language (in English)外国語教育への新しいアプローチ・学習者は目的言語を話し始める・続ける (英語で)

At a time when, despite the declared globalization and/or internationalization in Japan, students are in effect discouraged or at times even prevented from taking languages other than English, the presenter was asked, on request from students graduating from his first year German as 2Fl courses, to start continuous second, third and fourth year general education courses at Ehime University. This presentation demonstrates how this situation came about and the courses, all still under development, are conducted in order to fulfill the student’s wishes. Consequences for any FL teaching may be drawn. The presenter invites and encourages discussion of hints for and criticism of his approach. In order to demonstrate his approach and why it proved successful so far, the beginner’s courses and feedback to them will be introduced. The presenter will then explain the conditions and goals of the continuing courses, and give examples of how the presenter and the students conducted the courses. This presentation will close with a summary of the findings so far and hints at further developments, while briefly mentioning the relevance of this presentation for foreign language teaching in general.

English as a Springboard for Other Languages 他の言語のためのスプリングボードとしての英語 (英語で) (Language of Presentation: English)

Learning languages is a very time-consuming activity regardless of the language one tries to master. Many factors may help or hinder the learning process. Motivation is probably one of the most important ones. However, many students lose their motivation for various reasons by the time they reach university. Once they stop learning and using English, sooner or later, they are going to lose what they have acquired over the years. Starting a new foreign language can make wonders as far as motivation is concerned, but the time allocated for such courses is usually very short, especially compared to the previous six years spent on learning English. The aim of this presentation is to show ways in which students’ knowledge of English can be utilized to speed up the learning process of a new language. Achieving tangible results by the end of such relatively short courses will help students regard themselves as successful learners. In addition, contrasting and comparing languages will be beneficial not only for the learning of the new language, but it will also have positive effects on both the students’ knowledge of English and their motivation to continue their English studies.