Kyoto represented at JALT Conference

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If you’re to be joining the hundreds of language educators in Tsukuba at the Annual JALT International Conference, why not support the presenters representing Kyoto? Below are a list of presenters representing schools in Kyoto Prefecture.


Saturday, 25 November

A Critical Framework for Growth Mindset and Learner Autonomy

Edsall, Dominic – Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

Poster Session

General: Psychology and Language Learning

Adopting a critical, realist perspective, this poster session will propose a framework to link growth mindset with learner autonomy, agency, and wider social perspectives using recent developments in positioning theory and illustrated with empirical examples. The proposed framework aims to encourage a growth mindset that encourages learner autonomy.

Dealing With Microaggressions in Professional Spaces

Kyaw Oo, May – DEI Committee Chair; Clark, Gretchen – Ritsumeikan University; Carroll, Shawna – Okayama University; Glasgow, Gregory Paul – Kanda University of International Studies


General: Non-teaching Area

In this workshop, attendees will learn about microaggressions and how to be active allies for themselves and others in professional contexts. First, we will define microaggressions and discuss their impact on people of historically marginalized groups. Then we will consider a variety of scenarios involving microaggressions and brainstorm potential strategies to address them. This is a workshop for all JALT members, and we especially encourage all chapter and SIG members to attend.

Managing Rapport: Disagreement in ELF Academic Discussion

Chiba, Akiko – Ritsumeikan University

Online – Live Research-Oriented Short Presentation

College and University Education: Language Classroom Content

University students are often required to express disagreement in academic tasks in order to demonstrate their critical thinking skills. However, students from different linguacultural backgrounds may encounter difficulties in showing opposite viewpoints, because their L1 cultural norms and academic English-use requirements in this face-threatening speech act may differ. Thus, this study sought to investigate how L2 university students maintain group rapport during disagreements in assessed group discussions at an English-medium university in Hong Kong.

Digital Citizenship: Teaching Online Ethics and Responsibly

Noxon, Erin – Sagano High School

Practice-Oriented Short Workshop

General: Technology

Are you teaching digital citizenship lessons in your classes? If your students use any technology in your classes, you should be. This workshop will first explore what digital citizenship is and why our students must be taught these morals and ethics and be aware of them in every class they take. Then we will go over activities and lessons you can use to teach digital citizenship to your students, every year, with every class.

Post-Study Abroad Speaking: Has My English Improved?

Campbell-Larsen, John – Kyoto Women’s University

Research-Oriented Short Presentation

College and University Education: Sociocultural-Linguistics and Pragmatics

Study abroad is generally thought to lead to improvement in language skills, but students may notice modest gains in formal test scores, causing uncertainty as to how much improvement has taken place. This presentation describes how videoing the student conversations both pre- and post-study abroad and analyzing the pragmatic and interactional aspects of the conversations can clearly illustrate developments in language abilities that remain mostly invisible on formal, written tests.

Navigating Psychological Impacts of Masks in the Classroom

Landsberry, Lauren – Kinjo Gakuin University; Flanagan, Ann – Ritsumeikan Junior and Senior High School

Poster Session

General: Psychology and Language Learning

This presentation discusses the results of a study that investigated the psychological impact of mask-wearing on students and teachers in educational institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study explores the effects of mask-wearing on mental health, particularly among young people and investigates how teachers adapted their classroom practices. The findings highlight the psychological impact of mask-wearing on students and teachers and potential strategies for navigating the challenges will be discussed.

What Does “Meaning” Mean for Both Teachers and Students?

Ogawa, Yosuke – Kobe University; Campbell-Larsen, John – Kyoto Women’s University; Romney, Cameron – Kyoto Women’s University


General: Sociocultural-Linguistics and Pragmatics

Language learners sometimes come across vocabulary that is complex, nuanced and subtly different from the way their L1 expresses meaning. Resorting to a dictionary or a one-to-one translation is not sufficient. This forum explores: “What is meaning?” “How is it created?” Three presenters will examine the challenges in crosslinguistic meaning from three perspectives: the interrelationship between pragmatics and cognitive linguistics, co-text and context meaning construction, and how images can tease out subtle meaning.

Inquiry Learning in the Language Education Context in Japan

Mori, Lynsey – Kyoto University of Foreign Studies; Noxon, Erin – Sagano High School; Ijiri, Amelia – Kyoto Institute of Technology

Practice-Oriented Short Workshop

General: Pedagogy

By re-imagining traditional classroom roles, inquiry-based learning brings transformation to school culture and encourages educator self-reflection and teaching with new perspectives. Using inquiry promotes student-driven interests, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking, while enhancing language acquisition and social emotional cognition. There is no exact checklist of steps to follow and at times it can feel ambiguous, but with reflection and intentional continuous learning, we hope our shared experiences prompt you on growth towards an inquiry mindset.

Identity-Based Motivation to Increase Future Self-Continuity

Kobayashi, Jeanette Marie – Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts

Research-Oriented Short Presentation

College and University Education: Materials and Assessment

Research has shown that people with increased future self-continuity (FSC) make better choices, focus more positively on their futures, and perform better academically. This presentation introduces an English language content course designed to increase FSC through identity-based motivation (IBM) interventions. The design, examples of activities, and positive results of the study will be discussed. Finally, a framework with guidelines to help educators and curriculum developers introduce these methods in their classrooms will be provided.

How CA Intervention Enhances EFL Discussion Training?

Ishino, Mika – Doshisha University

Online – Live Research-Oriented Short Presentation

College and University Education: Sociocultural-Linguistics and Pragmatics

This study examines how reflective conversation analytic intervention can be an effective tool for discussion skills training in a university English language course. The study was conducted with 27 university students over 15 weeks. The students’ reports each week showed their changes in reflective focus from their linguistic errors to their interactional errors within the conversational structure of the discussion. The study found that the intervention helped students gain ‘interactional knowledge’ of the discussion structure.

Flipped Teachers: Stories of Growth & Evolution

Rathore, Chhayankdhar Singh – Konan Women’s University; Hook, Isobel – Kyoto Notre Dame Women’s University

Research-Oriented Short Presentation

College and University Education: Teacher and Professional Development

In this presentation, two university-level teachers/advisors (Borges & Silva, 2019) will share their journey of disruption and eventual growth, transitioning from being English language teachers in the classroom to becoming language learning advisors in a Self-Access Center. Through a duoethnographic study, they will share their initial struggles, gradual change in identity and beliefs, development of their identity as a “flipped teacher,” and the impact of these beliefs on their behavior and decisions within the classroom.

Brain Bytes: Inspiration from Neuroscience for Teaching

Gold, Jason – Kobe University; Helgesen, Marc – Miyagi Gakuen Women’s University; Kimura, Harumi – Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University; Walters, Jason – Nagoya University of Foreign Studies; Gillis-Furutaka, Amanda – Kyoto Sangyo University


General: Psychology and Language Learning

Our understanding of the human brain remains in flux, and we’re still learning so much about how our minds (and students’ minds) work. Panelists from the Mind, Brain, and Education SIG will share their favorite factoids from neuroscience, or “Brain Bytes.” This will be followed by a discussion on ways teachers can apply brain science into their classrooms.

Sunday, 26 November

AETs Are Not Alone: Creating Better Lessons With JTE Surveys

Nicholas, Jodi – Kyoto Board of Education

Practice-Oriented Short Workshop

Assistant Language Teachers: Teaching Younger Learners

AETs often need to find or create activities and materials for their lessons. However, due to a lack of experience or unclear expectations, coming up with appropriate and effective lessons can be difficult. The presenter will show how AETs can survey JTEs using Google Forms to generate new ideas and solidify guidelines. Survey data can quickly be applied and assessed, resulting in better team teaching classes for both students and teachers.

Process Genre-Based Writing for EFL Learners in Japan

Nagao, Akiko – Ryukoku University

Research-Oriented Short Presentation

College and University Education: Language Skills

This study aimed to investigate how 46 first-year Japanese university students in the experimental and control groups improved their ability to write discussion genre academic essay with process genre-based writing with the systemic functional linguistics framework for 15 weeks. The data analysis results on pre- and post-essay data and interviews show that most participants in the experimental group successfully wrote well-structured paragraphs and increased their awareness of the lexicogrammatical resources.

LiLT Forum: Collaborating with Literature

Hillis, Mary – Ritsumeikan University; Sedaghat, Martin – Niigata University of Health and Welfare; Hasegawa, Alison – Rikkyo University; Draper, Luke – LiLT SIG Publicity Chair


College and University Education: Language Skills

Literature in Language Teaching’s Collaborating with Literature forum prioritizes using literature as a tool for interactive and dynamic language learning. The four presentations on Instapoetry, picture books, interactive picture books, and short stories showcase innovative ways of engaging learners creatively and critically. They promote cross-cultural understanding, foster literacy development, and encourage learners to engage with social issues. These studies align with the Growth Mindset conference theme, promoting a positive attitude towards learning, resilience, and motivation.

Exploring L2 Learner Motivation: Goals, Interest, and Value

Eidswick, John – Kyoto Sangyo University

Research-Oriented Short Presentation

College and University Education: Language Classroom Content

This presentation describes an investigation of relationships between goals, interest, and task value among university students in Japan. Comparisons of measures with grades suggest task value is potentiated by mastery goals and prior interest, that performance goals predict learning outcomes, and that value affects motivation, continued interest, and learning.

Experiments Comparing Bilingual and Monolingual Flashcards

Obermeier, Andrew – Kyoto University of Education

Research-Oriented Short Presentation

College and University Education: Psychology and Language Learning

In Japan, learners often learn bilingually and memorize target English forms with Japanese meanings. Although this is probably the most practical option for low beginners, too much reliance on Japanese may hinder intermediate learners’ quality of English word knowledge. This experiment hypothesized that learning with all-English flashcards is a better way to develop the fast, accurate form recognition and semantic integration required for real-time use.

Monday, 27 November

Games and Engagement in Language Learning

Speller, Garrett – Ryukoku University; Hiratsuka, Takaaki – Ryukoku University

Research-Oriented Short Presentation

College and University Education: Language Classroom Content

This presentation covers a 5-week digital game implemented in a university classroom in order to explore the perceived engagement of students by using a combination of engaging game mechanics interwoven with English learning content. Participants were interviewed, and data analysis was thematic and based on self-determination theory. Results indicated that students took ownership of their learning of both the English language as a learner and of the game as a player, increasing their engagement.

The Vital Role of the Phonological Loop in Reading

Gillis-Furutaka, Amanda – Kyoto Sangyo University

Practice-Oriented Short Workshop

General: Psychology and Language Learning

Why do we sometimes hear the words we see on a page or screen? This presentation explains the role of the phonological loop (our “inner ear” and our “inner voice”) when we process information in our working memory and the importance of the phonological loop in language learning, especially when learning to read. Printed and digital materials and suggestions for building learners’ reading skills will be introduced.