The Ins and Outs of Getting a Job in ELT in Japan – 30th June, 10:00 @ Kyoto Pref. University (Hybrid)


JALTの行動規範(英) | JALTのソーシャルメディアポリシー(英)

Panel Discussion on secondary and higher education, about strategies and expectations for those entering the ELT job market for 2025

Lunch following this event (No longer accepting requests for reservations)

Discussion Topics


headshot of Jennie

Jennie Roloff Rothman is an Associate Professor and Senior Coordinator of Teacher Professional Development in the English Language Institute at Kanda University of International Studies. She holds a Master’s degree in TESOL from Teachers College Columbia University. She has been teaching in Japan since 2004. Her academic interests include EFL teacher professional development, reflective practice, critical thinking and global issues in the language classroom, and writing centers. 

Headshot of Edward

Edward Escobar, MS Ed., TESOL, is the coordinator of foreign staff for the Course of International and Cultural Studies at Kyoto Gaidai Nishi High School in Kyoto, Japan, and has been involved with the process of hiring foreign staff in secondary education since 2019. 

Headshot of Mehrasa

Mehrasa Alizadeh is an Associate Professor at the Institute for General Education, Otemon Gakuin University, Ibaraki, Osaka. She specializes in technology enhanced language learning and has presented and published in international and domestic conferences and journals. Her most recent project focuses on the use of virtual reality (VR) in language education. 

Event poster for June 30th